Beyoğlu Huzur Suites
We understand that finding the right accommodation is a stressful and time-consuming task. That’s why we have made it our mission to simplify by bringing together various properties on a single platform. Our mission is to provide a comfortable experience to our guests who are looking for short or long term accommodations. We have carefully selected each property at Beyoğlu Huzur Suites to meet our high standards of quality and comfort.
Our mission is to provide a comfortable experience to our guests who are looking for short or long term accommodations. We have carefully selected each property at Beyoğlu Huzur Suites to meet our high standards of quality and comfort. The apartments and rooms are located in central of the city where surrounding with museums, shopping centres, restaurants and historical places.
Our Suite Rooms
Huzur Suites No.11 - Studio Apartment with Private Kitchen (30 m2)
- Private Bathroom
- Free Wifi
- Max 2 Guest
Huzur Suites No.31 - Studio Apartment with Shared Kitchen (25 m2)
- Private Bathroom
- Free Wifi
- Max. 2 Guest
Huzur Suites No.25 - 1+0 Flat with Private Kitchen (45 m2)
- Private Bathroom
- Free Wifi
- Max. 3 Guest
Huzur Suites No.33 - Studio Apartment with Shared Kitchen (35 m2)
- Private Bathroom
- Free Wifi
- Max. 2 Guest
Huzur Suites No.11 - Studio Apartment with Private Kitchen (30 m2)
- 1 Bathroom
- Free Wifi
- Max. Guest 2 Person
Huzur Suites No.25 - 1+0 Flat with Private Kitchen (45 m2)
- 1 Bathroom
- Free Wifi
- Max. Guest 3 Person
Huzur Suites No.31 - Studio Apartment with Shared Kitchen (25 m2)
- 1 Bathroom
- Free Wifi
- Max. Guest 2 Person
Huzur Suites No.33 - Studio Apartment with Shared Kitchen (35 m2)
- 1 Bathroom
- Free Wifi
- Max. Guest 2 Person
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